Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Restless Night

Maria might not appreciate me sharing this as our first blog...

Yesterday my parents asked us to watch TJei while they were in the hospital with my sister who was in the process of giving birth. I was excited to have TJei with us and was going to help her carve her first jack-o-lantern. We went to buy a pumpkin and she fell asleep on the way and I could not get her awake again (at one point she had to stand and walk over to me and fell asleep mid-step and fell backwards, she was so tired). Disappointed in our ruined plans to carve a pumpkin I put her to bed. While I was gone doing that Maria was home baking bread and cinnamon rolls with yummy icing (good Mormon wife) for a co-worker. She dropped some pans on her foot (just the day before she dropped a can of peanut butter on her foot) and her toes began to swell. She was in a lot of pain but was determined to finish her breads. When finished we went to bed but Maria could not sit still! She had her infamous crazy legs! Her foot was hurting her so bad. We tried icing her toes but it only made her sticky... Finally she decided to go on the couch and try to sleep and allow me to try and get some sleep too. I was awakened only a few hours later as she was getting dressed to go to the ER. She came back about 7:30am or so and said that they had poked a hole in her toe-nail to drain the inflammation and bandaged a second toe that she had broken. It was a long, crazy night but we survived it with only one broken bone and a little bit of sleep deprivation.


Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Yikes, sounds like a crazy night! We hope Maria is feeling better... Cool blog guys.

Anonymous said...

Freak I just tryed posting a comment! Well I am sorry for your hurt toe! You should have called me to go sit in the ER with ya. Just to make up for all those times you came with me girl. love ya

Spence said...

Nice blog, keep it up. Now all of us but Mom and Spencer have a blog. I think Mom is going to join mine though.


Katie said...

Hey Maria- I stumbled upon you blog hopping an wanted to say hi!
Hope your foot is feeling better!